November 26, 2015

How to be Happy

The reality is we cannot have everything we want, whenever we want it.  We all have to do things we don’t want to do and be some ways we don’t want to be.  We can only have what we have when we have it.  Limitations are natural components to life which, rather than forsake, ironically, allow us to live fuller lives.  Tragedies and successes are not to shame or elevate us, but lead us to the right place to make the right choice at the right time, so we can have a fulfilling life experience.
It is not appropriate to want to be perfect and desirable to everyone.  For happiness we only need those who we desire to desire us.  When young and unblemished, we were ignorant and insecure; when secure and smart, we are old and blemished.  Youthful dreams are equal in value to the wisdom of age.  If you are irregular, stupid, lazy, fat, or whatever, stop being so mean to yourself, accept your life without shame.
The true qualities are unseen; they are our most valuable assets.  Who and how deep you love is invisible, but none the less exists and is everything.  Isn't it the invisible value of her big heart, their steadfast devotion, or his sense of humour that make him so endeared and not the size of their shirts or their wallets?  Unlike the transience of possessions and power, qualities are permanent, complex and engaging.  Their power holds to an invisible agenda from a source that feeds all secret passions.
Designed by nature, intricately and uniquely, we are to be perfect imperfections.  He doesn’t look like he thinks he should look any more than you do.  Is your granny perfectly imperfect?  Of course she is.  Is the birth of a down’s child a mistake?  No certainly of course it is not.  We are all imperfections for the world, how arrogant to assume otherwise.  Beyond our comprehension, and at the whims of our limitations and attractions, we are perfect for our role in the story of humanity.
You won’t always look like a teenager, no more than you looked like a baby when you were a teenager, and this is a good thing.  Talk about personal body modification!  Celebrate the being who has stood the test of time, the marks and colors of victories and defeats.  Accept you as the beast you have to wear, enjoy both your youthful zest and insight from experience.  Everyone has their place without them the world would not be the same.
            Intricately designed for our role on the planet, we are here to play a profound part in the collective awe of things.  From gains and losses our humanity is woven into the fabric of life, each fashioned specifically to interlock with others and the world.  The design allows us to share our powers with the rest of the world.  We should gladly embrace our anomalies and idiosyncrasies, as they make us special and most valued in the collection.
Look with fascination at how all animals have different attributes and limitations, beyond their control, which makes them unique and powerful.  This is true for the fish, the plants, all living; each a fingerprint of life.  By nature, each variance can contribute to community, biodiversity and sustainability.  Each can look similar, but all are having exclusive experiences, an original life.  Variance is the magic to which we can only sit in innocent astonishment as its singularity sustains us all.
Every living thing has its own invisible agenda and sense of how to be successful.  What you think is who you are.  You are the imaginary conversation that comforts you like a friend and shows you the way when you have no idea where you are.  It knows the truth, things you sense but have ignored.  It is not the conversation that criticizes, belittles and creates turmoil for you at every turn.  Telling yourself you are not worthy of feeling happy, satisfied or guiltless will slowly extinguish you.  Living without pretence, honestly embracing reality, frees us to live worthy lives.
Moments of your lifetime freely offered are the most valuable currency you can share with the world.  Simultaneously, each moment, each breath, each thought, all the same but unique, and all equally necessary.  Each measures its portion as we entertain billions of fleeting ideas through our collective consciousness.  Mere thoughts, triggered by an absurd moment, are changing the course of many lives.
Unseen moments of hope from joy, or insight from violence, can allow us to transcend negative situations.  Moments of love, satisfaction, peace, trust, attraction, or inspiration can be just as life alternating as fear, outrage, or repulsion.  In a mere second a new path is revealed, a veil removed; if only we had known what now we will always know.
Moments pass in an inconspicuous blur of similarity, but in each single moment all things change forever.  You can’t see when you have missed a miracle, gathered from providence or lived a life full of meaning.  Did the five minutes you were running late allow you to miss the accident you passed by on the way?  It is only from the accumulation of moments, our memories, can we see the truths and divine nature at work for us.  The magic of life we cannot see is truly as important and real as all we can.

Life is not a random act.  Genetics can distinguish us all, but it is the unseen spark, necessary for life living within us, that most distinguishes us all.  Living has meaning and our existence is powerful and important.  Be true to your real identity and honour as paramount your internal dialogue.

Money is only paper, a number, a key stroke, a digit in a computer - How to be Free

Do you have a dependable job? 

Can you purchase a house and vehicle suited to your station?  Can you afford the time and money to maintain them?  Do you pay for services and restaurant meals when you are too tired from working?  How much of your salary goes to pay credit interest, insurance costs, the pharmacist and other expenditures to maintain this job?  Taxes take a cut too, more if you smoke or drink or drive for work.  Should I mention those empty unpaid hours commuting away from family, or how much you are contributing to carbon emissions?  Yes, its dependable all right, if you keep on this treadmill you will always be dependent on a job. 

Just how dependable is this way of life, anyway?  It only functions properly if a person is not too young, too old, too damaged, too poor, or too ill.  Those among us without money are stuck in a vicious cycle of poverty, poor health, dysfunction and hardship.  When you can afford to get to a grocery store, the small quantity you buy is much more expensive than the larger size you can't afford.  You must have a permanent address to be connected, drive, receive social and medical assistance and even vote.  In our society, to be alive costs money, so what are you to do when you don’t have any?   

In both lifestyles, either way, we all work as hard as we can to survive our incarceration in this world of monetary supremacy.  We slave, every day the same, at endless meaningless toil.  The years of our lives slip by as each day we silently watch the clock and count down the time until we can go home.  Finally where we have wanted to be all day, burned out and tuned out, we watch the screen and sleep, only to rise and start again. 

Our existence reduced to a fog of worry, guilt and helplessness under the power of money.  The people profiting from our anguish can well afford to manipulate things in their favour.  We are so submissive, even governments openly profit from this manipulation.  It is destroying our healthcare and keeping people sedated and confused.

Those who can pay for perceived perfection, like celebrities and moguls, are worshiped and honoured.  To their denigration, as we vicariously and viciously verify value from their visualization.  The masses, perhaps unwittingly, trying to imitate this expensive illusion, give consensus to its pretense.  A constant bombardment of seductive paid messages and social cues keep this compulsion alive. 

The pleasure of buying the newest thing, clothes not yet worn or sights not yet seen, is a powerful intoxicant.  The desire to spend, the urge, the indignant justification, it seems so urgent at the point of purchase.  The need is fleeting, but the craving relentless and the fix never enough. Just like with any addiction, this distractful preoccupation with money makes us forsake other things of value.

The perfection precept is also used to isolate and humiliate nonconformists into silent submission.  Are we cursed to believe we’re inadequate and unacceptable if we don’t have all the things we want?  This belief can leave us feeling forsaken, confused, and insecure about who we are and what we want from life.  Disappointments leave us bitter and full of negative judgement thoughts about ourselves, and others. 

As a result, we all show up, but never show ourselves.  We use disguises to face the world and deceive people to get what we want from them.  She is not the person she appears to be when she smiles at you from the page, the TV, or beside the cash register.  Everyday we put on blinders so we can pretend, like everyone else, not to see our bondage.  We hide from our suffering with drugs, lust, gluttony and crime. 

Dark obsessive oppressing greed has created a cut throat unforgiving, uncompassionate culture which is causing so much hardship to the entire world.  Do we really believe the notion that mother earth has been rendered worthless, all used up and wrecked beyond repair?  How else can we justify the way we slave, exploit, buy and then just throw away?  It is wrong to believe the poor and suffering have somehow caused their own demise and we are above reproach.  Poverty and slavery, exploiting this planet and her people, should not be accepted as the natural progression of our age. 

In devoting ourselves to money we have erroneously put our efforts into an imaginary reality.  Basing our existence on irrelative assumptions has continually had a negative impact on the quality of our lives.  It feeds our insatiable compulsions, keeping us hostage like spoilt self-indulgent children, perverting our needs and skewing our values.  Everything now askew and distorted we can no longer see how it really is.

If money is so great why hasn’t it satisfied our needs yet?  The idolization of money will be the downfall of modern society.  After all, money is only paper, a number, a key stroke, a digit in a computer.  It is abstract, inanimate, changeable, transient and subjective.  Still its lack of value is destroying the fabric of our present civilization.   

How difficult life is made for people, when everything they want can be purchased, but everything they really need cannot.  You can’t buy loyalty in a new box, your mate off the rack, or put your life’s dreams on layaway.  You can buy the cutest puppy and end up with a horrid dog.  Wanting only what’s advertised, one misses free things more precious and valuable we could ever dream.  Life is never as advertised; advertising is way overrated.

Don’t give up your human birthright to buy into this “emperor’s new clothes” mentality.  It is more important to chase a good life than money to buy things, and a good mate is better than a beautiful one.  Being fixated on having everything denies the reality that sometimes you just need some things.  Life is wasted on vanity and ego grasping, neither is ever satisfied.

No longer can we pretend to connect our happiness to things that ultimately only bring us sorrow, and disconnect ourselves from what ultimately will bring us joy.  Accept this and let go of the delusions of this age.  It is not too late to remove the blinders and masks to see our existence in another light.  Success is in convincing our beast to walk the path free of society’s monetary manipulations. Our natural state is not in the clutches of the pursuit of money, if it were, contentment and prosperity would follow us to work each day.